Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My hidden natures

Pregnant ladies love to organize. It's almost like a disease. I noticed that I spent more time and money shopping for "containers", "drawers", "hangers" and all things you can name at Container Store than anything else nowadays, well except for baby stuff. That shit is expensive.

At Container Store or Target, you see pregnant ladies at any aisle you go to. No frigging kidding you! I don't know. Maybe I noticed the pregnant ladies more nowadays than before because I am also one of them . Holy shit, did I just admit that I have become one of them?

I hate organizing even though I am a very organized and detail-oriented person when it comes to work. But household stuff, I don't think I am ever born to do it. I can't fold clothes, for one. And this might be one thing that if my husband ever divorced me one day, would be because I can't fold clothes.

With the baby coming in 3 months, I constantly think about how to make room for him and for ourselves. Our place is meant to entertain, so to create a space that is welcoming is so important to me. Right now, we only have a couple more boxes in the soon to be nursery waiting to be cleaned out. This is good progress.

When seeing those stackable drawers at Container Store, it makes me calm. And when I install and place all the drawers and containers in my apartment, I feel so accomplished. It makes me smile. So I do have that in me - the nesting nature.

How strange. I feel more motherly each day and I discovered my nesting nature. Is it all because the hormones? I think yes. Hormones totally eff'ed me up.

These pregnancy hormones also bring out my protecting nature: the other day when walking on a busy street, there were a couple kids running towards my direction. Because I am short, those kids probably had the height that is at my belly. As they ran towards me, one kid was so close to me that forced me to hold my left arm up to not just try to block him, I pushed him, in front of his mom.

I never used to do that. In fact, TB always had to remind me to not walk to close to people and always have my arms up to create the space. The fact that I actually pushed that poor kid surprised me. Yeah, don't ever mess with a mother, she will eat you alive.

This is actually quite awesome. I always know I am feisty but never thought I'd be physical. I can't wait to see anything like this will happen again soon. Next time, I will curse and fight anyone who gets in my belly's way.


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