Friday, October 12, 2012

Things that are extermely stupid

Once again, DearJulie is going to offend a lot of people. But, SHE DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT.

Living in my neighborhood is great - quiet, lots of restaurants, convenient to public transits, and easy to get in and out of the city. However there are just things that annoy the heck out of me and I find them extremely stupid.


It might be a status thing. Every, not almost every, but EVERY lady has one and they use it as a diaper bag. First of all, Goyard bags are UGLY. Secondly, there is no zipper, no pockets and no nothing in this stupidly priced bag. I think it's pretty stupid to use it as a diaper bag. It might be most useful for grocery shopping which they do use it for grocery.


Ladies and moms in this neighborhood feel very entitled. They will argue with the poor staff at Maison Kayers for not getting their coffee when they were actually waiting in the wrong line. But yes, Maison Kayers needs to do a better job letting people know where and how to get coffee. One ladies had 3 kids with her and she was so loud that everyone was looking at her. When you listen carefully to what she had to argue for, you know it was obviously her own fault. Still, she thought she was right.


Ladies here always have their eyes looking above their heights. Meaning that when they look at you , they don't really look at you. They look at the spot above your head. I am not sure why when some of them are actually short. It's funny to watch.

Lady 'scorner and nanny's corner

They gather. Maybe to gossip and maybe just to hang out.  Yeah, hanging out at the corner of the street.
Usually there is a lady's corner and there is a nanny's corner. Those ladies talk in high pitch voice caring nothing about what passers-by and laugh hysterically loud as if they want the world to know that they are funny when they actually are not. The nanny's group is awesome - they might be speaking different languages but they totally understand each other. Another thing I notice was, the kids in the strollers pushed by nannies look happier than kids in the strollers pushed by those ladies.

Please help me God. Don't ever let me become one of those ladies.


Workout: 45 minutes cycling
Deadlift: 3x10
Seated good morning: 3x15
Squat: 3x10
Leg curl: 3x10

As a result, I treated myself to a Bareburger! :)

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