Wednesday, March 6, 2013

No shaking the baby

What makes being a mom worthwhile is that I get to learn a little bit about my blueberry every day. Though at times, it drives me nuts that I don't know why he is crying and making a fuzz, I never want to shake or drop my baby. Phew...I might have that thought but I DIDN'T DO IT.

No depression whatsoever. It's just me being impatient. But, I am making progress.

He has a lot of fun cues, like he has a poop face, the sound he makes when he is hungry, the sound he makes when he is bored, the sound he makes when he is agreeing with me (Oh yes, he agrees with me), the face he makes when he needs to burp....and so on and on and on.

You know, if having a nanny to raise a kid, I'd never have figured these out. So I am glad I don't have one. Babysitter, on the other hand, might be needed soon.

He smiles at me when I am playing with him; he got excited when he sees TB home to change his diapers. He has a lot of emotions and he is also very vocal. He was definitely flirting with Auntie Melody the other night.

I am doing so much better with "getting things he wants" which I am pretty happy with myself. Blueberry is the Buddha coming to the world to teach me caring for others, being patient, being taken for granted of, and about life in general....though this part, I have not fully figured out, you know, like that unconditional love they always talk about.

However, I know I can only get better at this.

We are so lucky and blessed to have him in our family. We feel so much more devoted to each other and we feel so much in love with each other. He is making our family strong because, it's us three against the world.

Speaking of progress....

Blueberry is hitting all major milestones which makes me proud. However, there are still some that I think he is behind, like he still can't talk to me regardless how I ask him to say "mama" every day. Also, he can't walk and I can't wait to take him out for walks without pushing a carseat around. But, I MUST BE PATIENT!

On the other hand, I alwyas want to capture the moment he is making progress but I always miss. Darn it, my camera shutter is just not fast enough. And, I almost always forget to have a camerca closeby. I so missed the day he turned 1 month, and I missed the day he turned 2 months. I guess there is no bother for 3 months. Or, I just have to wait until he turns 1 year, which is an even greater progress, right?!

I also never did the baby announcement, even though I had the design idea in mind and I talked to my designer. Without a baby announcement, it's like my baby was never born. And of course, you know I am being sarcastic. No, I won't share the idea with you because I might use it for my 2nd baby.

Wow! second baby. Hahahaha....


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