Monday, June 18, 2012

Oh shock!

So, this week I am officially entering the end of my 3rd month. Does it mean it's the begining of 2nd trimester?! Eh, I guess. I don't even know if it's "39 weeks", or "40 weeks"; "9 months" or "10 months". They confuse me.

Well, I said "officially" because I can officially share this news here, especially there are so many superstitions regarding early pregnancy, which I only half believe, I had to hold it until now since my mom didn't want me to jinx it. Unofficially, we already told family and some closest friends about it, just coz.

DearJulie Public Announcement Time:
~ Please practice safe sex. Things do happen once you take off the condom.~

Heck yea! I am knocked up. I am not sure if I want to praise TB's soldiers, or my very fertile egg in that particular month. It just happened - after, literally, two tries! Well, now I think about it, it could be the week of my birthday. We went out drinking a couple times that week and got trashed - like on the floor trashed. And you know how when you get drunk, you get sloppy. So there.

Yes yes, we are very glad that we are both healthy regardless the fact that I am approaching the high risk age group, which I constantly got reminded, and TB has always wanted to be healthier to make sure the soldiers swim fast. I am also happy to report that little blueberry's heart beat was sounding crazily healthy when we had the first doctor's visit a couple weeks ago; and this active little alien was moving around from left to right and back a couple times when we had the second ultrasound for nuchal just today. Or, maybe I am just delusional, the thing floats around anyway since it's in a sack of water.

This is surreal. I am still having a hard time grasping the reality.

So far, this has been a shitty pregnancy. Everything you read about the sickness is not even true but gazillion times worse on me. I could not function at all and I thought I was dying. I had to drag myself to the gym thinking it'd make me feel better, but the walk to the gym already made me breathless. I cried a lot not because of the hormone, but because I was freaking out about losing my waistline. Let me name a few just to give you a picture here: headache, vertigo, nausea, vomit, queasy stomach, blurry vision, delusion, acid reflux, shoulder pain, back pain, spine pain, boob pain, every inch of my skin hurt and even my hair. Kid you not.

Those ladies who are "full of joy and loving their pregnancy" must have had it easy, or they are just full of shit, because this experience has so far not been pleasant at all.

Yeah, those ladies...

So this cheesy as it might sound, I want to document my pregnancy and share the real experience, the real ugly, diry, and painful ones, with people who are curious and who might want to try it. Nothing is candy-coated; nothing is rosy and pretty. You will rarely find me going "awwwwwwww" (maybe just "aw") on any given subject. It will be, however, as graphic and as detailed can be, and I particularly love writing about things those ladies usually wouldn't tell you. And because I have strong opinion on everything and everyone, you will definitely read about how I disagree (or maybe get converted) with a lot of things those ladies do and say, and even think (yes, even some of their thinkings bother me). I am having it my way and taking it as my own experiment and I'd like to share with you who are willing read. Occasionally, I would also like to share some ways to make pregnancy chic as I explore them.

To be honest, I am really not sure what exactly I will write. Maybe, I'll just let the hormones guide me! Nevertheless, I wanna write. DearJulie has been hibernating for too late.


Workout of the day: Legs
Leg Press 3x10
Squats 3x10
Stiff-legged deadlift 3x10
Leg Extensions 3x10
Light Cardio 50 mins


  1. Congrats!!!OMG Can't believe you are pregnant!!!
    Looking forward to reading more of your wisdom and humor

  2. congrats on the baby, blueberry, alien, chubs...whatever its name! Thank you for keeping it real for the women who have not yet gone through this process... =)

  3. goh wow! congrats Julie!!!! let me know if you need anything :)

  4. Sorry to hear you've had it so rough! They say it gets better in 2nd tri, so hopefully that's been the case for you. I can't complain about my experience so far - some issues, but minor compared to what you've had. Maybe you're having a girl as I heard bad morning sickness = girl & barely any = boy. But maybe that's all b.s. wives tales!
