Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I want my body back

The post-partum care is so important that it will determine whether or not your body will recover to the prime as it was before the pregnancy. That's why I believe in the confinement practice and I swear by it even though I have not done it yet.

Of course, the food consumption should be regulated. The resting is the most important part of the practice.

Other than that, I have been looking into ways to get my body back. Like, massage techniques that will trim down the size of the current thighs, hips and waist. It's all about the ancient wisdom of the trigger points. For example, the outside of the thighs, and the inner part of the thigh stretch from the knee and up. 50 times of hitting the right trigger points a day for 3 months will guarantee the size reduction.

There is also the belly bandit. My mom is bringing ones from TW that seem to be working on some celebrity moms. I will use that first before I buy the ones sold here in the US. Regardless, the pressure and constrain theory should "theoretically" work to push the organs back in place, as well as mold the fat out of me so that I can gain my waistline back.

I need to find a massage therapist who knows how to focus solely on weight lost. They have that everywhere in TW, so I am pretty sure I could find something like that here.

How about acupuncture? Currently I am still reading up materials about losing weight via acupuncture. Once I am confident enough and am able to find someone to do it, I'd definitely adopt the method.

After the month of confinement, that's when I will start the old school of weight training, cardio workout, as well as low fat/low carbs/low sodium diets. I can't start early because my mom wouldn't allow gym. Bleh.

I am going to be so hard on myself like there is no tomorrow because I desperately want my body back. So if you have any great method, please share. I am willing to try anything.


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