Friday, December 7, 2012

Santa is your daddy (well, I meant, Daddy is the Santa!)

I have been getting a lot of marketing emails/flyers and stuff telling me about places where I can take kids to see Santa, have dinner with Santa, take photos with Santa, shop with Santa and so on...

C'mon. We all know there is no Santa Clause, so why do parents still want to lie to kids? This makes me think of some principles that I want to stick to when it comes to parenting. First and foremost, no lies. But this is my choice of parenting. Of course you should do whatever you want to your kids.

I just don't have the heart to tell my kid that there is Santa Clause when later on, he is going to find out that is a lie anyway and I can't think of a reason that justified having him being traumatized. I didn't grow up in a Santa Clause culture and TB didn't either. It's fair that our kid won't.

So, no false expectations. If anything, I'd say to him: Santa is your daddy. He is the one bringing home toys.


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