Thursday, December 13, 2012

Making yet another list

TB is suck a jerk. Of course, a cute one.

He asked if I would like to travel to Phuket, which he knows nothing about and I doubt he even knows what country Phuket is in. I said, heck yeah, I want to go to Phuket. He then said "Good. I'll take you there in 20 years".

This is worse than an empty promise. #$@#%^&*

The reality is setting in one day at a time. I hate to admit it but I am getting excited. Still nervous, but excited.

One thing that I am excited about is this list that I am making. I call it the Post-Partum Do-List.

- Go shopping for new clothes and shoes, and bathing suits.
- Go to Osteria Morini and order all the charcuterie they have on the menu, especially mortedella
(this was the only thing I didn't get to eat during pregnancy because TB didn't allow)
- Go out for a night and get trashed
- Get a haircut
- Go back to the gym and train
- Sign up for a race (maybe just a half marathon)
- Plan a vacation (well, plan does not mean I can definitely go but planning is fun)
- Hire a nanny and a cleaning lady pronto
- Eat spicy hotpot

Of course I know that there won't be a timeline for when I can cross things off the list but this gives me hope. And I am trying not to think about those sleepless nights that are awaiting for me.

I appreciate those people who came to me and told me how this will be the most wondering experience in my life. I'll let you know when that happens. For now, I still don't believe you.


Workout of the day
Passive muscle workout/full body massage: 60 minutes

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