Monday, August 6, 2012

Babies are always cute?

That, depends on how you define what "cute" is. I am also talking just about the superficial kind of cuteness.

I am so fortunate to have some great friends around who share the same bluntness with me that sometimes, they'd say things like, "so and so's baby is really not that cute". Hey, that totally sounds like something DearJulie would say. I admire them for saying that and saying it out loud, because the truth is, so and so's baby is really not that cute. I just don't have the heart to say it, of course, not in front of the parents, but secretly that's what I thought.

Another reason I don't to say it out loud  is because, I want to save some good karma for when the time comes.

In math, multiplying (two) negatives makes a positive. Cases like that happen in life everywhere too. When it comes to making a baby, I do worry that's going to happen to us.

Does DearJulie so shamelessly think that both TB and her are the super positive?

HECK YEH! No no, I am kidding.

I just thought, TB and I are not super ugly, you know. Only ugly couples make cute babies (think 2 negatives make 1 positive...).

I have really seen two good-looking parents produced a not so good-looking baby. In my head, I just thought that's a shame and also was amazed how nature works. God just don't want to let you have it all, if you believe in god.

This weekend, a wise lady who claimed to have seen one too many babies in her life said to me that, babies are really not cute when they are newborn. It takes time for their facial feature to mature and the fat to fill the bone and skin structure so that they look "cute". It does make sense. Some ugly babies grow up to become adorable toddlers (with great personality and that's very important).

"Cuteness" is in the eye of the beholder. To parents, their babies are always cute. Sometimes we look for the resembles of the parents to decide if a baby is cute (because it might be a trouble if the baby does not looks like neither, I am just saying), and that's really the fun part of it - we are always amazed to see what a final product looks like.

Maybe I should not expect to see a cute baby coming out of my belly.


Workout of the day:
Swimming 50 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Haha...i'll have to agree with you, i've seen some babies who only their mother could love and some that have grown up to be cuter as they age. Of course, I try to keep that information to myself because people take things the wrong way... =)
