Thursday, August 16, 2012

I forget things

I was never on birth control pills for a very simple reason - I forget to take it. Well, as you all know, if you don't take it at the same time every day, the effectiveness can decrease, or gone, or something like that. Same thing with vitamins. TB used to have to always remind me that I need to take my vitamins every day. With prenatal vitamins, I am much better at remembering to take because I know the importance of it. Currently I take only three - prenatal, calcium, and fish oil.
Sure, three vitamins. Not that much.

But then there is this forgetfulness condition that comes with pregnancy, and on me, it's a severe case. I am always a forgetful person and now, it gets even worse. It has happened to me several times that I forgot whether I have taken the vitamins of the day or not. Regardless how hard I try to think back, I just couldn't. As a result, I might have taken double of the dosage on the same day.

Do people ever OD on vitamins? I hope not.

I know, I know. I should have established a routine, and habit of taking them at the same time of the day. Then again, that was also the exact reason I don't take birth control pills.
Too much work!

Another thing I forget, sometimes, is if I use deodorant before leaving the apt. Well, of course, by the time I realize it, other people realize it too. Now I carry a small travel size in my bag every where I do, just in case.  Sigh, I usually don't stink but hormones make me stink.

I am wondering, how bad can this forgetfulness get?!

Fortunately, I do have to-do lists - for work and for daily household errands. Though, sometimes I even forget to write things down on the list. It's that split moment as I blink, I erase that short term memory. Maybe I should add Ginko nuts in my diet of vitamin spread, just in case. Oh wait, I might forget to take that too. NEVER MIND!

TB just reminded me several things to do today. I gotta do it soon or I'll really forget. And then he will come home yelling at me. Lucky for him, I forget that he yells and I forget to stay mad at him.
I need my brain cell back.


Rest Day

1 comment:

  1. haha...i think it's probably b/c you're doing 987345934 things and our brain works at different things. word association, smell association and whatever association makes me forget to do something...and go on to do other things..."oh, pretty butterfly..." wait..what was i going to say?
